PASTEUR4D: AI-embedded simulation environments and engineering studios

"A person looking back upon the 3-dimensional world from 4-dimensional space for the first time realized right away: they had never seen the world while in it. If the 3D world were likened to a picture, all you've seen before was just a narrow view from the side: a line. Only from 4D space could you see the whole... with all barriers and concealments stripped away, and everything exposed, the amount of information entering the viewer's eyes was hundreds of millions times greater than in 3D space.
—Cixin Liu, Dark Forest

Pasteur4D is the state-of-the-art software platform for Industrial Engineers & Scientists to build in synergy with ML Engineers & AI Researchers.

Purpose-built for digital engineering in the real-world, our software platform aims for diverse users with interdisciplinary expertise to immediately benefit from proprietary physics-infused ML acceleration engines under the hood, and invaluable gains in trust and confidence with Pasteur4D's continuous updating-and-validating simulator deployment pipelines that plug in to real-world data streams—not to mention best-in-class DevSecOps.

Only now can ML endeavors in the physical sciences —and advanced AI pursuits to reshape engineering physics, not to mention automate science— measurably eliminate sim-to-real gaps and put the first-ever "true, live, intelligent" Digital Twins in your hands.

Physical systems become digital playgrounds for Engineers and AI agents to build, invent, validate, de-risk, transform, scale...

Develop and deploy new classes engineering workflows plugged into your specific prototyping, manufacturing, and live environments, to reveal solutions from new perspectives and to optimize in never-before-configurable subsystems.

Pasteur4D makes it all frictionless, packing multiple user-friendly & extensible apps, AI-physics "engines" with prebuilt workflows, and catalogue of templates and tools—see below and Case Studies.

Emulation Engine
"What-if" Engine
Digital engineering lingua franca
Reshaped workflows & automated reasoning


Without scaling cloud and exhausting compute budgets, Pasteur4D app "Emulation Engine" will auto-transform your CFD and CAM models, industry-standard and custom physics solvers, black-box and bespoke simulators. Simulations become faster, update with new data, generate diverse scenarios.

Plus 0-to-1 transformations: pretrained inverse design and fluid-structure optimization solutions, prebuilt templates and extensible UI/UX, reliable deployments with auto-data assimilation and continuous updating—all unavailable in digital engineering & ML tools,
all to be realized with Pasteur4D's Emulation Engine.

causal reasoning

All industries rely on critical, expensive machinery running in system-of-systems that are too complex and dynamic for humans to grok and operate, let alone share knowledge gained through experience. Pasteur4D app "What-if Engine" aims to encode expert knowledge in the form of the cause-effect models, providing fast, trusted simulation to minimize downtime and maximize efficiencies.

Plus 0-to-1 transformations: beyond operational controls, this is provably correct predictive maintenance and real-time optimization; beyond fault detection, this is root-cause analysis in the face of confounding factors and cascading effects; and more for industrial operators & engineers on P4D What-if Engine.

Data, models, & experts
in synergy

Pasteur4D interoperates with the broad CAD/CAM/CFD/FEA ecosystem, ingests existing datasets and new data streams, incorporates expert knowledge and prior info, integrates bespoke simulation codes on legacy systems, all on one unified M&S platform: single source-of-truth and multiplayer mode.

Plus 0-to-1 transformations: Pasteur4D SDK is coming soon, enabling the future digital engineering ecosystem.

constantly improving

For a combination of models, data, priors based on maths, physics, and experts, ML-driven simulator can approach the accuracy of numerical solvers, while accelerating time-to-solution and improving over time as more data becomes available.

Plus 0-to-1 transformations: The Pasteur4D perspective is to empower engineers with plug-n-play workflows and modular pipelines that run continuous updates and counterfactual scenarios, quantifying system uncertainties and communicating trust regions—a new class of user confidence and engineering reliability.

Engineers, teams, and industries evolve with "batteries included" ML & developer superpowers

Developer-first experience
Data-oriented architectures
"Double-click" for power users
Data-first & AI-native

Tap into the source code of reality

To take advantage of the true digital-physical parity that Pasteur4D enables, we build the entire stack dev-first: extensible SW and modular apps, git-native digital engineering, visual-scripting and C++ abstractions in SDK, bleeding edge MLOps and data governance included, and more.

DevSecOps best-practices meets digital-physical dev —built into Pasteur4D from day 0, and coming soon as a dedicated "SimOps" product for the broader Simulation Intelligence ecosystem.

Seamless information flows & knowledge propagation

Outdated processes and capabilities are revitalized with bleeding edge SW & ML tooling, yet there's no need to replace existing capabilities: P4D allows the rapid integration of legacy systems into more modern and relevant synthetic environments and data-driven solutions.

Beyond digital engineering results and PLM info, Pasteur4D exports full simulation testbeds for you and your non-engineering collaborators to run anywhere.

Scaffolding UI/UX for optimal human-machine teaming

Complexities such as Neural Network tuning and data preproc are abstracted away for seamless execution by non-ML experts.
Complexities such as CFD settings and surface meshing are abstracted away for seamless execution by non-domain experts.
UI/UX layers enable users to "double-click" into their particular expertise, and Pasteur4D automates the rest.

End-to-end differentiable, learnable, programmable, continuous, spatiotemporal

Level-up engineering teams

Bigger picture wins across teams and sectors: Pasteur4D users slash timelines to market, erase manufacturing inefficiencies, mitigate downstream risks in the design-phase, pump rich operations data upstream to improve design, automatically and adaptively optimize end-to-end engineering pipelines.
That is, Pasteur4D provides exponential value from multiplicative effects of prebuilt workflows that maximize engineering iterations, minimize info-loss, integrate siloed teams and disciplines, and orchestrate diverse data and models.

Specific examples of teams like yours? See Case Studies.

Seeking P4D experts to get your engineers running with premium builds, team onboarding, and forward deployments? Get in touch:


In limited release to select customers, R&D partners, and universities—join the Pasteur4D waitlist here...